Welcome to my site!

I have been a school psychologist since the early 1990s and currently work in North Carolina. Please note that even during the recent pandemic, I work full-time.  I do not do any painting, video recording or editing, social media, or website maintenance at all during work hours, nor do I promote my art at work.

In early 2019, I got pneumonia and realized I really needed to find a fun way to relieve stress and stop bringing work home. I began learning and enjoying oil painting to my surprise! I also started painting with acrylics.

I think I’ve come a long way since those early days, but my paintings still come from the heart.

By the way, my real name is Donna, but “Delcy” was a nickname I came up with as a child made up from my initials at the time – D.L.C. – squashed together to make “Delcy.”

I generally add the figure of a cat to my signature because I love cats and find them to bring feelings of relaxation. I want people to experience positive feelings when they acquire one of my paintings.